Year 5 is all about the children learning to take more responsibility as they move towards the top end of the school. We try to instil independence and resilience in the children as they navigate their way through the year. It is important that they enjoy their learning and develop positive relationships with all members of the school community.
Ash Class | Hawthorn Class |
Ms S Russon and Mrs C Burley - Class Teachers Mrs K Conway - Teaching Assistant |
Mr E Gardiner - Class Teacher Mrs J Jenkinson - Teaching Assistant |
Mrs K Barker - Additional Year 4 Teaching Assistant
The Year Five Curriculum
Units of work are coherently planned and sequenced to ensure broad and balanced coverage of the National Curriculum and there are increasing opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in a broader range of topics, allowing them to go deeper within and make connections between each subject domain and to build on knowledge and skills from prior learning.
In English, the children will be covering a wide range of texts through poetry, fiction and non-fiction. They will study good examples of a genre, learn and practise specific grammar and punctuation and then have the opportunity to show what they have learnt in a piece of creative writing. Also, they will read a set book in groups on a weekly basis and discuss the content with a teacher or TA. Spellings will also be taught weekly and the children will learn patterns and techniques to help them. To get the most out of this subject, it is important that the children complete any reading homework each week and practise their spellings. Any further reading the children can do will benefit them in terms of their comprehension skills and their vocabulary. It is still important for children to read out loud and we would encourage them to do this regularly to ensure they understand what they are reading.
In Maths, the children will be taught using a mastery method whereby they will explore concepts using physical resources and pictorial representations. They will learn a number of strategies (both mental and written) and our aim is to make the lessons fun but challenging. After learning specific skills, the children will be asked to apply what they have learnt to solve word problems, to undertake investigations and to play maths games. To get the most out of Year 5, the children will be expected to consolidate their times table knowledge and weekly undertake homework on the Mymaths system.
Please click on the link below for further information about the curriculum in Year Five.
Useful Links and Other Information
Presentations for Parents |
Useful Websites |