Welcome to Year 2

We enjoy a range of engaging and interactive activities.  We have planned an exciting curriculum and continue to encourage the children to become enthusiastic and independent learners.

Hazel Class Willow Class

Miss O Wills - Class Teacher, with Mrs Roberson and Mrs Shewbridge

Mrs R Bowles - Teaching Assistant

Mrs K Harrison &  Mrs S Roberson- Class Teachers

Mrs F Stockley - Teaching Assistant


The Year Two Curriculum

Units of work are coherently planned and sequenced to ensure broad and balanced coverage of the National Curriculum.  There remains a significant focus on the teaching of reading and pupils are increasingly challenged to develop their writing to reflect the characteristics and style of the different genres they are exploring.  In addition to a strong focus on mathematics and science, half-termly topics focus predominantly on the children’s experiences and have more of a local perspective

Please click on the link below for further information about the curriculum in Year Two.

Useful Links and Other Information

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