Communication with Parents

Good communication between school and home is critical for ensuring that children thrive in school.  Parents and staff are expected to share information about children’s successes and any emerging concerns they may have informally as they arise.  Teaching staff are usually available at the end of the school day for a quick chat, should the need arise and may ask to arrange to see parents by appointment, should a longer conversation be necessary.  Parents should email teachers using the year group email (, yeartwo@ etc) , if they are unable to see them at the end of the day regarding lengthier pastoral or academic information.  Messages regarding collection from school, school lunches, trips or other practical matters should be communicated via the school office.

Parents receive all our latest newsletters and other communication via email and our most recent newsletters can be viewed below.  More concise or urgent messages via the Arbor Parent and Guardian Portal app.  The Arbor portal is also used for school meal and other payments, and for club and event bookings.  Parents can login to Arbor from a desktop computer, using the username and password provided by the school, when or shortly after their child is enrolled at the school,  and are requested to download the app from the Appstore (for Iphone users) or Google Play Store (for android).  Once downloaded, parents should login and ensure that they have enabled notifications.

Parents are also invited to share helpful feedback with the school using the compliments, comments and concerns  Any serious, individualised concerns will be followed up promptly and more general compliments and comments will be discussed by the school leadership and, where appropriate, the parent forum, and will feed into the school's ongoing self-evaluation and improvement planning. 

Weekly Newsletter
High Beeches Newsletter Spring 2025 #0110/01/2025, 3:54 PM
High Beeches Newsletter Autumn 20204 #1520/12/2024, 2:48 PM
High Beeches Newsletter Autumn 20204 #1413/12/2024, 4:40 PM
High Beeches Newsletter Autumn 20204 #1228/11/2024, 4:13 PM
High Beeches Newsletter Autumn 20204 #1228/11/2024, 4:07 PM

Useful Information and Forms  

Acceptable Use Agreement 2017

Permission to administer medicine 

Individual Healthcare Plan 


Watch this space for further details.


The school hall is available for party bookings on Saturdays, subject to our Site Manager being available to unlock/lock the school premises. All enquiries should be made to the school office in the first instance.

Letting Agreement 

Booking Form