We operate a soft start to the school day with pupils entering between 8:40 and 8:45am. The children go straight into class; Reception pupils via their outdoor learning space and Years 1 to 6 through the double doors at the ends and side of the Meadow Building and to the side of the Orchard Building. This staggered start helps to ensure there is a calm and swift start to the children’s learning activities and that school staff are able to give individualised attention where required. Parents and children arrive following a one-way system; entering the site via the gate adjacent to the larger bike sheds on the Willow Court side of the site, with children going independently into class whilst their parents leave via the gate closest to the main building.
The school day ends at 3:10pm for the children in Reception and 3:15pm for those in Years 1 to 6. To help reduce congestion, parents are expected to follow a one-way system, entering via the gate adjacent to the larger bike sheds on the Willow Court side of the site and leaving via the gate closetet to the Recpetion outdoor area. Pupils in Reception and Years 1 to 4 are dismissed from their external classroom doors, with the exception of Year 2 Hazel Class who leave via the double doors at the fornt of the Meadow Building. Pupils in Years 5 are also dismissed from these doors and those in Year 6 leave via the double doors at the back of the Meadow Building.
Should parents be confident that their child has the necessary skills and maturity and if they live nearby or are being dropped-off or collected from a suitable area close to the school, pupils in Years 5 and 6 may arrive at and leave school independently. However, they will not be permitted to take responsibility for younger siblings, who should still be dropped-off and collected by a parent or other suitable adult in person. Should the school have cause for concern that any pupil in Year 5 or 6 is not demonstrating the necessary skills to make his or her way to and from school independently or concerns that the distance or nature of the journey represents an unacceptable risk, parents will be asked to ensure they are accompanied to and from the site. Pupils may only cycle to school unaccompanied, once they have passed their cycling proficiency and whilst wearing a cycle helmet.
We operate a soft start to the school day with pupils entering between 8:40 and 8:45am. The children go straight into class; Reception pupils via their outdoor learning space and Years 1 to 6 through the double doors at the ends and side of the Meadow Building and to the side of the Orchard Building. This staggered start helps to ensure there is a calm and swift start to the children’s learning activities and that school staff are able to give individualised attention where required. Parents and children arrive following a one-way system; entering the site via the gate adjacent to the larger bike sheds on the Willow Court side of the site, with children going independently into class whilst their parents leave via the gate closest to the main building.
The school day ends at 3:10pm for the children in Reception and 3:15pm for those in Years 1 to 6. To help reduce congestion, parents are expected to follow a one-way system, entering via the gate adjacent to the larger bike sheds on the Willow Court side of the site and leaving via the gate closetet to the Recpetion outdoor area. Pupils in Reception and Years 1 to 4 are dismissed from their external classroom doors, with the exception of Year 2 Hazel Class who leave via the double doors at the fornt of the Meadow Building. Pupils in Years 5 are also dismissed from these doors and those in Year 6 leave via the double doors at the back of the Meadow Building.
Should parents be confident that their child has the necessary skills and maturity and if they live nearby or are being dropped-off or collected from a suitable area close to the school, pupils in Years 5 and 6 may arrive at and leave school independently. However, they will not be permitted to take responsibility for younger siblings, who should still be dropped-off and collected by a parent or other suitable adult in person. Should the school have cause for concern that any pupil in Year 5 or 6 is not demonstrating the necessary skills to make his or her way to and from school independently or concerns that the distance or nature of the journey represents an unacceptable risk, parents will be asked to ensure they are accompanied to and from the site. Pupils may only cycle to school unaccompanied, once they have passed their cycling proficiency and whilst wearing a cycle helmet.