Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 is an exciting year at High Beeches.  We encourage children to take pride in their learning as well as celebrating individuals for their approaches and resilience to tasks.  The children learn to become more independent throughout the year as we work towards our exciting residential trip.   


Maple Class Pine Class

Miss E Davenport - Class Teacher

Mrs K Haines - Teaching Assistant

Ms E Dixon - Class Teachers

Mrs S Bott - Teaching Assistant


The Year Four Curriculum

Units of work are coherently planned and sequenced to ensure broad and balanced coverage of the National Curriculum and there are increasing opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in a broader range of topics, allowing them to go deeper within and make connections between each subject domain and to build on knowledge and skills from prior learning.  

In English, the children will be exploring a wide range of texts and text types including poetry, fiction and non-fiction.  The children are encouraged to read for pleasure alongside reading their guided reading book which they will discuss with a teacher or TA on a weekly basis.  Spellings are also tested on a weekly basis.  The children will learn spelling patterns and rule and most importantly learn their spellings in the context of sentences.  

In Maths, the children will be taught using a mastery method whereby they will explore concepts using physical resources and pictorial representations.  The children will be encouraged to develop their own range of strategies through a range of written and mental maths problems.  Times tables will be tested on a weekly basis as the children progress towards the national times tables check at the end of the year.  Fluency in times tables ensures that the children begin to think 'multiplicatively' which supports their learning in all others areas of the maths curriculum.  

Please click on the link below for further information about the curriculum in Year Four.

Useful Links and Other Information