We believe that, if children attend school regularly and punctually, they will be best able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. We are therefore committed to achieving excellent levels of attendance for individual children and our school as a whole and expect all pupils to arrive on time and to attend at least 96% of the time.
In order to minimise disruption to children’s education, headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances for doing so. This means that, family holidays cannot be authorised. Parents who believe they have exceptional circumstances should complete the online application form below, where possible, at least 2 weeks in advance of the planned absence. In addition to evaluating the exceptional nature of the request, the decision to authorise any absence will also take into account the pupil’s prior attendance and performance in school.
Routine medical or dental appointments should take place out of school time. However, leave for urgent medical appointments or those that are outside of a parent’s control (such as referrals to medical specialists) and for religious observance for members a recognised religious group (where it is normal practice for families to meet together on such occasion) may be permitted and parents should complete the online form below.
More information can be found in our attendance policy on our policies page.