School uniform helps to build a sense of identity as a school family and helps us to promote high expectations of each other. Parents can order uniform online from Stevensons or visit their Harpenden shop.
We are conscious of the financial pressures of family life and strive to make our school uniform as affordable as possible, by regularly reviewing our suppliers' products and prices and by keeping the number of school branded items to a minimum. However, parents are free to source unbranded poloshirts and jumpers/cardigans from elsewhere in school colours. We understand that Marks and Spenser stocks polo shirts in the same gold and both Sainsbury and ASDA stock similar cardigans and jumpers in the appropriate bottle green. Alternatively, good quality pre-loved uniform is also available from our second hand uniform stock on a regular basis during the school year and at various advertised events.
The Children should be smartly dressed as follows.
o High Beeches branded green and gold PE t-shirt
o Plain black sports shorts
o Plain black joggers or leggings (no sports brand or other logos)
o Plain black sweatshirt or fleece
(available with school emblem from Stevensons; no sports brand or other logos, no hoodies please)
o Trainers
o High Beeches drawstring sports bag
All items should be clearly named. Unnamed/lost items will be put in lost property.
No jewellery is permitted for infants. This includes watches, earrings, tattoos, nail varnish and braids/beads/decorations in hair. Children in the junior years may wear watches or plain stud earrings if they are able to independently take responsibility for them. Earrings should not be worn on PE/games days.
Long hair must, where possible, be tied back away from the face (see above re colours of hairbands). Gel and other products are not permitted and hairbands or similar should not be worn as an accessory for those with short hair that does not fall over the face and/or beyond the collar. Head coverings may only be worn for religious or cultural reasons and this can be discussed with the school if applicable. Pupils may not wear their hair with shaved sections (for example, incorporating a Nike tick or Mohichan-style strip.
*Tights/long socks or long trousers should be worn during the cold winter months of Autumn 2 and Spring 1. Summer dresses may be worn during the Summer term and Autumn 1.